We express our support for the FIT-Unidad in Argentina

Statement of the New Left Current for the Communist Liberation (NAR) - Greece


We express our support for the FIT-Unidad (Left Front-Unity) and the presidential candidature of Del Caño-Del Plá in the upcoming elections in Argentina

We wish to publicly express our support for the program and the lists of the FIT-Unidad (Left Front-Unity), advocating the vote in the upcoming elections of October 27 in Argentina. We support the presidential candidature of Del Caño-Del Plá, as well as all the candidatures of the Party of Socialist Workers (PTS), Workers Party (PO), Socialist Left (IS) and the Socialist Workers Movement (MST)

The unity materialized in the FIT-Unidad is an auspicious and positive development, on the way to strengthening the perspective of an independent solution to the crisis, with a program that poses the non-payment of the debt, a break with the IMF, the nationalization of banking and foreign trade so that the crisis is paid by the capitalists and bankers; and the fight for a workers´ and socialist government. The FIT-Unidad has not limited itself to intervening in the important electoral struggle, now mostly dominated by bourgeois parties, but is actively supporting and promoting the struggle of employed and unemployed workers against the war plan that capital and its governments develop against the masses.

The experience in Greece is similar to Argentina. The increased level of demand from the struggles forced the alteration of 5 governments since 2010 and created new forms of popular organisation, increasing overall the radical forces. In those struggles the anticapitalist front of ANTARSYA (where NAR participates) attempted, and managed to a point, to construct an independent voice for the anticapitalist current. When SYRIZA took over the government of Greece the strategic choice,of remaining, “whatever the cost”, in the frame of EU and the euro, the acceptance and the approval of debt was the frame that turned rapidly the preelectoral promises into commitments on the austerity memorandums to the local and foreign bourgeois oligarchy. The next point of decline was that of July of 2015, with the declaration of a referendum and its immediate cancelling.

We live in Greece, through the years of crisis, a provocative redistribution of wealth in favour of the powerful, the exploitation of a crisis as chance for new profit. We also live, the dissolution of illusions on the possibility of existance of a new social contract, without the rupture with the strategic values of capitalism, for a governmental solution without a revolutionary toppling of the capitalist system. We believe that, instead of being drawn inside the black hole of capitalism and its crisis, can, through the anticapitalist left and the communist organisation and militancy, to light the fire for the new revolutionary processes and the communism of our century. A main issue for us is the achievement of the autonomy and independence of the Anticapitalist Left, in order to be able to express generally the anti-EU, anti-system and anticapitalist perspective.

The anti-capitalist and revolutionary left must speak and act openly and clearly, naming and targeting the enemy and the cause of this situation in total. The only path is the brotherhood of the peoples, the international solidarity and the common struggle against capitalism in the prospect of the revolution, of internationalism and socialism-communism of the new era.

We express our support for the FIT-Unidad (Left Front-Unity) and the presidential candidature of Del Caño-Del Plá. Our cause is the same cause. Your fight is our fight.

Long live the struggle of the Argentine working class against the exploitation and oppression of capitalism!

NAR for the Communist Liberation, Athens, Greece, October 2019